Entrepreneurship is awesome!

Choosing the entrepreneurship module has definitely been one of the best choices I could have ever made. The challenges are demanding though arduous and require every bit of your mind to be working overtime. We worked on the opportunity identification process and how to analyze entrepreneurial opportunities. We had a hands on experience conducting interviews. We went out and questioned people on the Ashesi campus to put our hypothesis through the flames and justify them according to the public’s opinion. Besides the work, I’m absolutely enjoying working with Sena, Philip, Michelle and the coaches. They have provided insight into problems I couldn’t see and I’m grateful. I’m looking forward to the rest of the week and all that AIX has for me.

Nana Afrah Korankye

Thank you, Ashesi!

My experience at AIX so far has been very good. And all the resource persons around us make life a lot more meaningful to us. For me, I believe this opportunity is a life changing one and I’m expecting to impact my society when I get back home. I wish this will be the experience I have every day: the way everyone is accepted, acknowledged and welcomed, makes me feel I’m worth more than I thought. A very big thank you to ASHESI for giving me such an opportunity.

Ernest Kofi Boakye Kwarteng


My Thoughts: AIX Food

By: Jennifer Horthman

“Part of the secret of success in life is to eat what you like and let the food fight it out inside.” ― Mark Twain

I love food. Food is my everything. I just can’t live without food. Just imagine some nice banku and succulent tilapia just calling you. “Mehn”, you can’t say NO to that, trust me. Some might say that food makes people fat, but for me it keeps me in shape. Yeah, that’s me. My name is Jennifer Horthman and I just want to tell those who are being teased for loving food so much not to worry. You might be called names and all that but don’t worry. Be who you are, just like me.  Continue reading

Entrepreneurship Report: Amazing Day Three Of Entrepreneurship

By: Audrey Zorh & Amma Owusu-Addo

“The value of an idea lies in the using of it.” —Thomas Edison

Today, we woke up all energized and fresh to an amazing day three of entrepreneurship. The day started with a talk from Mrs. Ruth Kwakwa (the Dean of Students Affairs). She gave this talk which made us realize that we are not only about education but also there is another side to us that most of us barely make good use of—our curiosity—and a university like Ashesi helps young people bring out this other side. Continue reading

Entrepreneurship Report: Day One (A Journey to New Found Land)

By: Dzidedi Senaya

Photo: Dzidedi Senaya

Dzidedi Senaya

It was indeed sad seeing my friends stay behind in the lab while I walked into lecture hall 216 for my first session in entrepreneurship. In fact, tears flowed through my tear ducts but I just had to hold it. It was not an easy thing to be separated from the people you love. Hmm… that was what I was thinking till a deep thought run through my mind; “You gotta make sacrifices to get what you want.” Moreover, you have to bond with people to share the same dreams with, according to one Mr. Entrepreneur. Continue reading

Robotics Report Day Two: Intro to Robotics, Closed Shape and One-metre Dash Challenge

By: Ivana Ofori, Maame Adwoa Wilson and Christine Buckle

Photo: Innovators line up their robots for their second challenge.

Innovators line up their robots for their second challenge.

Intro to Robotics

Most people think that they know what a robot is—and in their minds, they understand it—that is, until they try to define it. That raises all sorts of questions, like, “What makes a robot different from an ordinary computer?” or “Does a machine need to have independent intelligence before it is considered a robot?” Continue reading